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Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year 2008

as per title....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!
haha....btw, if you think about it, what's so happy? its just another day, the passing of a monday to a tuesday, its not that everyone will find an extra 100 smack-a-roos in their wallet or purse......hmm...but anyway that enough reason to give billions of people to celebrate the passing from 2007 to 2008..
think about it....different year, same shit...people are still dying of poverty and racism, discrimination, terrorism and war are still at large around the world. All we can do is hope and pray that this new year will enlighten the views of people around the world...

By the way, i got this new year wish from Andrew via facebook...

true..right? haha

Anyway, it seems to be a normality for people to make new year resolutions, to set some goals to achieve in the year. For me, i dont seem to get the sense of it as i often break that resolution some where in March or April. Setting a resolution is like an excuse to create a time frame to achieve your goals...reasons to delay...haha. but it seems also as an target to achieve throughout the year.....
My resolutions this year will be....

  • Get a new car
  • Get a good job, career wise
  • Slim down ( lol )
  • Get myself a PS3....provided they mod or hacked it, making it able to play cheap pirated games...heck, the PS3 is a media center as well.
and some others which i don't think that i need to list down here...haha

anyway...thats all for now....
happy new year...


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