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Listening now to : Ash Like Snow - The Brilliant Green
Its been a long while since the last post and its been a topsy turvy period of time since then.
Was at the Sean Kingston 'concert' last Friday. I wouldn't really called it a concert as, he blardy performed for only 30 minutes. In fact, I think the opening act by MC Jin was a whole lot more interesting. Sean Kingston aka. FDWKV ( Fat Dude With Kool Voice) came with 2 backup rappers, a DJ who in fact did most of the entertaining with mixing and pre-recorded vocals, as well as some bad-ass dulan looking body guards.
Even all that, the moment that chubby dude opened with " Me love" every girl in the hall literally melted...Its not to say that its a bad 'concert', but a world tour when only dropping by a Zouk and sing and dance for like about 30 minutes? He even showed his emo-ness on stage...haha
Its not a disappointing showcase, but it wasn't that impressive either. Prolly due to the fact that the tickets was free.
After that 'concert' jetted down over to Laundry for some drinks with some friends. They actually did something that i would say ' siao'. Malibu Surf tasted like cough mixture and it was too damn concentrated. So, we MUST add some ice to dilute it a bit, along with some PussyCat and Tequila Sunrise along with some white wine Obviously the outcome wasn't as expected. I thought i tried the Colorado Bulldog. When it arrived, my drink looked like Nescafe Ping' from some higher grade mamak. It wasn't that bad, a concoction of coffee liquor, cola and vodka.
Weeks work came and went. Was out of office the whole week as i need to attend to some stuff coming one after another at our Data Center.
Friday night came again, and i was declared emo for the day. zzz
Some stuff happened la. After work, i went with for some Korean BBQ with some friends. Well, the food was a whole lot tastier and more savory compared to the last one i had. This store passed my taste and it was good. Well worth it.
We then went over to Laundry and started off with the Blue Margarita tower to ' wash' and 'clear' ourselves. Then Eddy ordered this for me....Obviously thats not the real picture. Its googled. No pictures was taken then unfortunately, but a short video of me downing it was taken -.-.
In case for those who don't know. Its the Flaming Lamborghini. A concoction of, Blue Curacao, Sambuca, some coffee liquor and some Galliano ( or something or rather...don't remember the spelling). Its where several glass for stacked up into a tower like contraption with the coffee liquor+Galliano(?) at the bottom. The Sambuca was set a flamed and was pour over from the top of the 'tower'. As it flowed into the coffee liquor, the Blue Curacao was added into. And that i went i sticked the straw into the liqour and start sipping it dry..Careful not to get hair burned. It was good, but the afters, i felt my throat and the part where the drink flowed into my stomach as thou it was burning. Got really dizzy then after that. Fortunately i can still drive. Thanks to Eddy for tailing my car all the way home.
Was sent this by Kazuki. Apparently he is some Japanese Comedian acting gay, a former wrestler. Dont mind the title, enjoy the video. Its really funny. Hoooooo!
Thats about it i guess.
Song: Feel Like Home - Fort Minor
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