erm...lets see how i start this off...
studyin is over for now, my working life will start very soon. what happens in between?
well, thanks to eunice & co. , they organized this great party last thursday at the orange. free flow of beer and lotsa fun..was able to meet and catch up with some old friends. among them was one who spend a good time of that night, laughing; and i mean a good amount of time of that night. so far to the extend where the bartender came and joked with her asking " u still laughin?" lol...
in the previous post i qoute "doubt i'll drink alot thou" ( or something like dat) erm..i did not drink alot wert...haha. well, was playing some sort of game with some friends, losers gotta drink..and so the story goes...after that session, i was literally wasted and drunk...but still sane...haha..
there was a guy who told me during the beginning of the party, that "if im not drunk yet, i cant go home"..i was like "..." ok...i think he was the guy who got wasted the fasted, so i heard...
met a few new friends, and one of them said and i qoute, " when u meet a new friend, u must drink" ( or somethings like dat) and so goes down a few more..
drinkin was done there and then i was literally wasted, blur but still sane. slowed down since then, just taking a few more sips here and there...since mabuk ady, juz taruh la (but i can still walk in a straight line).. for the whole night, i was hoping that i wont throw up. near the end of the party, some things happened that is best left in the memory of the people who was there. done and left within the four walls, a ceiling and the floor ( a box ler). after the party went for some hot tea and a mamak nearby. biting a piece a lemon trying to kill of some of the smell and hopefully regain some consciousness. my head was feeling woozy. some hot tea just make it feel better. fortunately, i fetched someone over to the party and he could drive me back ( or almost to my place)...else i dont know what will happen. ..reaced home at 3am and i got a SAP class at 9am later that day...needless to say, i was like a zombie at that class.
1 thing i noticed during that class was, the time was passing really, really slow. sap's over, pop over for pizza and eventually ending up at chili's at 1U to meet some friends. 2 rounds? hhaha...chili's was for the drinks and to meet the laughing machine ( to see if she's still laughing). drank, chat and chat for almost 2-3hours? haha...had dinner and watched spiderman3 later that night..well, the show as ok ler...slightly below my expectations...but ok..give it a (7.5/10)..i still think that venom died a bit too easily, given that he is spiderman's arch enemy...may be there will be spiderman
after movie, go mamak, drank some more and chat some more....
well, every things will have to come to an end, its like a blink of an eye, 4 years had just gone past. still vaguely remembering the day when i met u guys. thanks. thanks for the memories. there haven't been any greater buddies...gonna miss u guys...
maybe next time, when u get ur pay, give me a call and belanja makan la...haha.don't worry, when i get mine, i wont forget u guys....
thats all for now...hopefully i can get some pictures from the party as soon as possible...
Chicken Hawk
6 months ago
More on the girl plz! Dun be such a gay. More story on girl = fun.
nway,pics will be up bear with me for another few more days k!
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